React and Spring Boot in less than three weeks - Part 2

React and Spring Boot in less than three weeks - Part 2

Oh well, I’m writing this after more than three weeks, but I certainly delivered the project I mentioned in the part 1 on time.

To be honest, I believed it would be something easy, but in the second week I realized I needed to spend more hours on it because I underestimate the complexity of the frontend. I don’t know how to explain it, the frontend is full of technologies that does the same, one tool has an alternative and the alternative has multiple alternatives, it was a problem for me who is not in the frontend world. I also surprised how difficult is to create a simple global variable in React, we have to use something called Redux or React Conext to deal with this problem, I read they have some differences and there are probably more alternative out there. Anyway, I was able to find a solution for every issue I had and the frontend looks good in my opinion.

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React and Spring Boot in less than three weeks - Part 1

React and Spring Boot in less than three weeks - Part 1

I’ve been working as a firmware engineer for two years, but I don’t make enough money to get the life style I wish, so I’m here, in a big trouble where I have to learn web development for a project I have to deliver this month.

As I said I’m a firmware engineer, the main programming languages I use everyday are C/C++ and sometimes Python. I learned to code with Java tutorials on YouTube on 2018, it gived me the basic concepts of how to write code, but I haven’t used it since then. About the web side, well, I took some courses on YouTube and Udemy when I was in college because I thought it could be my entry point to the software industry, but I only learned some basic stuff again.

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