Oh well, I’m writing this after more than three weeks, but I certainly delivered the project I mentioned in the part 1 on time.

To be honest, I believed it would be something easy, but in the second week I realized I needed to spend more hours on it because I underestimate the complexity of the frontend. I don’t know how to explain it, the frontend is full of technologies that does the same, one tool has an alternative and the alternative has multiple alternatives, it was a problem for me who is not in the frontend world. I also surprised how difficult is to create a simple global variable in React, we have to use something called Redux or React Conext to deal with this problem, I read they have some differences and there are probably more alternative out there. Anyway, I was able to find a solution for every issue I had and the frontend looks good in my opinion.

About the backend, it’s something completely different. It’s easier to code, the architectures are easier to understand, the tests are easier to implement, I definitely enjoyed more coding the backend than the frontend. For example, once I understood how to work with models, controllers and services, I was able to add all the logic I needed by myself, I had to googled or ask to llms less than in the frontend. Some day in the future, I’d like to be a backend dev.

And that’s it, I was able to create a full stack application in less than a mouth with no experience in web development, well almost no experience because I already knew the basic concepts of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I believe the phrase a lot of devs says it’s true, “technologies are easy to learn if you already know how to code”.