Cut video on a linux terminal
If you want to cut a video but you don’t want to open a video editor, you can use a terminal utility called “ffmpeg”.
On Debian/Ubuntu based systems we can install it with:
sudo apt install ffmpeg
Now we can use the following command to cut a video:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 01:29:23 -to 01:35:02 -c copy output.mp4
With “ffmpeg -i input.mp4” we say we want to use the video called “input.mp4”. It’s important to use the mp4 file extension.
In the part "-ss 01:29:23 -to 01:35:02" we say we want to cut the video from 01:29:23 to 01:35:02, the time is in the format hour:minute:second.
Note: if your file is not too longer, you don’t need to specify the hour, you can just use 29:23 for example.
Finally, with "-c copy output.mp4" we say we want to copy the audio and video codecs and we also say that output.mp4 is the name for the cutted video.